Employee outsourcing

We offer employee and company outsourcing services in all industries. Outsourcing as a concept is the separation of individual tasks from the basic structure of the company and transferring them to external entities for implementation.

what do you gain?

  • Convenience:
    – quick recruitment process and response to the changing current demand for the number of employees
    – minimal paperwork – one contract, one VAT invoice
    – no settlements with the Social Security and Tax Office
  •  Savings:
    – cost of VAT without additional charges
    – no recruitment costs
    – no cost of personnel services
  • Security:
    – transfer of total risk arising from employment
    – immediate replacement in case of resignation of one of the employees

Do you have questions or need help with an offer?

Our projects


Budowa budynku handlowo-usługowego wraz z infrastrukturą techniczną zlokalizowanej przy ul. Rybackiej w Ustroniu Morskim

Zleceniodawca: Bank Spółdzielczy w Wolinie Inwestor: Vela Hotel & Resort Sp. z o.o. 03.202